Terms and ConditionsLast updated April 7, 2021

1 Acceptance of terms

PlayCKC Interactive Private Limited (“PlayCKC”) provides a mobile app under its flagship brand, PlayCKC – including all text, images, audio, code and other material that may be provided by PlayCKC (collectively, the “Content”) and all of the features, contests and other services they provide. PlayCKC offers an online sports gaming platform (“Platform”) where gamers (“you”, “gamer”, “user” or “participant”) bring their knowledge, gutfeel, and analysis of a professional sport to predict performances, milestones, and outcomes for real players of the sport, and win prizes in the process. The Platform currently runs a cricket prediction and a cricket fantasy game on its mobile apps (“PlayCKC App” or “App”) listed on Google Play Store, Apple App Store and via the PlayCKC website -https://playckc.com/ (“Site”). The website, the mobile apps, and any other features, tools, materials or other services (including co-branded or affiliated services) offered from time to time by PlayCKC are referred to here as the “Service”. The various contests, competitions and other fantasy games between gamers organized on the PlayCKC App, are referred to as “Contest(s)”. Please read these Terms of Use (the “Terms” or “Terms of Use”) carefully before using the Service.

By using or otherwise accessing the Service or clicking to accept or agree to these Terms where that option is made available, you (1) accept and agree to these Terms and our additional Rules and Scoring System (2) consent to the collection, use, disclosure and other handling of information as described in our Privacy Policy and (3) consent to any additional terms, rules and conditions of participation in particular contests issued by PlayCKC from time to time. If you do not agree to the Terms, then you may not access or use the App/ Platform/ Site/ Content/ Services.

PlayCKC may issue additional terms, rules and conditions of participation in particular contests. For example, PlayCKC may issue conditions as required by various rules and regulations of states and union territories of India, which may impact your experience or participation on the Service. You agree to be subject to those additional rules if you participate in such contests. PlayCKC may issue additional terms, rules and conditions of participation in particular contests. For example, PlayCKC may issue conditions as required by various rules and regulations of states and union territories of India, which may impact your experience or participation on the Service. You agree to be subject to those additional rules if you participate in such contests.

2 Modification of Terms of Use

Except for Section 14, providing for Dispute and Dispute Resolution, PlayCKC reserves the right, at its sole discretion, to modify or replace the Terms of Use at any time, by posting the most current version of the same on the Site. You shall be responsible for reviewing and becoming familiar with any such modifications. PlayCKC may, at its sole discretion and if it deems the circumstances fit, notify you of any change or revision to the Terms by notifying you through the email address registered with your account. Use of the Services by you after any modification to the Terms constitutes your acceptance of the Terms of Use as modified.

3 Eligibility

You hereby represent and warrant that you are fully able and competent to enter into the terms, conditions, obligations, affirmations, representations and warranties set forth in these terms and to abide by and comply with these terms.

By depositing money or entering a contest, you are representing and warranting that:

  • You are of 18 years of age or older;
  • You are a citizen or resident of India and that you have an address in India/ currently residing in India;
  • In accordance with the laws prevailing in certain Indian states, you may be barred from participating in the paid version of the Contest if you are residing in the Indian states of Assam, Odisha, Sikkim, Nagaland, Andhra Pradesh, or Telangana, as the laws of these states are either unclear or bar persons from participating in games of skill where participants are required to pay to enter;
  • At the time of deposit or game entry you are physically located in India in a jurisdiction in which participation in the contest is not prohibited by applicable law;
  • You are not listed on any Indian or State Government list of prohibited or restricted parties ORYou have not been convicted of any offence under any gambling laws in India;
  • Make improper use of our support services or submit false reports of abuse or misconduct.
  • You will abide at all times by these Terms of Use and any other agreements between you and PlayCKC regarding your use of the Service or participation in games;
  • When depositing funds or entering a paid contest, you are not physically located in of any of the following states: Assam, Odisha, Sikkim, Nagaland, Andhra Pradesh, or Telangana;
  • You do not, by virtue of affiliation with another daily fantasy site or by any other way, have access to the site’s pre-release non-public confidential data about contest-related information;
  • When entering any contest that awards prizes, you are not an employee or operator of another daily fantasy site that charges entrance fees or offers cash prizes;
  • In order to participate in contests and win prizes, you should have successfully registered on PlayCKC as well as registered for contests prior to each match in accordance with the procedure outlined above.

If PlayCKC determines that you do not meet the eligibility requirements of this section, then you are not authorized to use the Service. PlayCKC may require you to provide proof that you are eligible to participate according to this section prior to receiving a prize. This includes by requesting that you fill out an affidavit of eligibility or other verification information (as discussed in Section 4 below). If PlayCKC otherwise determines that you do not meet the eligibility requirements of this section, in addition to any rights that PlayCKC may have in law or equity, PlayCKC reserves the right to terminate your account, withhold or revoke the awarding of any prizes associated with your account or limit your ability to withdraw. In such a situation, PlayCKC may pay out any withheld or revoked prizes to the other entrants in the relevant contest in a manner consistent with the prize structure of the contest, to be precisely determined by PlayCKC in its sole discretion.

PlayCKC also reserves the right to withhold revoked prizes to use in furtherance of its fraud prevention or anti-money laundering efforts. PlayCKC employees may use the Service for the purpose of testing the user experience, but may not withdraw money or prizes except when playing in a private league.

Relatives of PlayCKC employees with whom they share a household are not eligible to participate in paid contests unless they are private contests with other PlayCKC employees or household members. PlayCKC consultants or promoters of the Service may play in contests without such limitation, but only if (i) their arrangement with PlayCKC does not permit them to have any access to non-public Service data or any other data not made available to all players on the Service and (ii) they do not receive any other advantages in their play on the Service.

Employees or operators of other daily fantasy sites that charge entry fees or offer cash prizes, including but not limited to Dream11, My11Circle and Mobile Premier League, and individuals who, by virtue of affiliation with another daily fantasy site, have access to the site’s pre-release non-public confidential data about game-related information may not enter any contests in which a real money prize is awarded. If such person enters a PlayCKC contest that awards prizes, PlayCKC will disqualify the entry, will not award a prize, and may report such person’s violation of this provision to the daily fantasy site for which the entrant is employed by, operates or affiliated with. Additionally, PlayCKC may maintain information about the entrant sufficient to assist PlayCKC in blocking the user from entering future PlayCKC contests, unless and until PlayCKC determines, in its sole discretion, that the entrant is no longer an employee or operator of another daily fantasy site or no longer has access to pre-release non-public confidential data about game-related information by virtue of affiliation with a daily fantasy site.

Athletes, coaches and other team management, team support personnel (e.g. without limitation, team physicians) and team owners may not participate in any PlayCKC contests in the sport or sports with which they’re associated. Team owners, referees, league employees, sports commissioners and other individuals who through an ownership interest or game-related employment can influence the gameplay are likewise ineligible.

4 Conditions of Participation

4.1 Registration

In order to participate in a Contest on the Service, you must register for an account. By registering as a user of the Service, you agree to provide accurate, current and complete information about yourself as prompted (such information being the “Registration Data”) and maintain and promptly update the Registration Data to keep it accurate, current and complete. If you provide any information that is inaccurate, not current or incomplete, or PlayCKC has reasonable grounds to suspect that such information is inaccurate, not current or incomplete, PlayCKC may deny you access to areas requiring registration, or terminate your account, at its sole discretion.

In the event that the Registration Data indicates that you are a resident of Assam, Odisha, Sikkim, Nagaland, Andhra Pradesh or Telangana, and/ or that you do not qualify any other Eligibility Criteria as specified hereinabove, PlayCKC shall deny you access to the Service.

By entering the Registration Data, you confirm that you have read, and shall abide by these Terms of Use.

Once you have entered the requisite Registration Data and completed the Registration process, you will receive an email confirming your registration and containing your login information.

You may establish, maintain, use and control only one account on the Service. Each account on the Service may only be owned, maintained, used and controlled by one individual, i.e. the individual whose data has been provided in the Registration Data. For avoidance of doubt, users may not “co-own” accounts on the Service. In the event PlayCKC determines that you have opened, maintained, used or controlled more than one account and/ or that you have not provided Registration Data of the person who is maintaining/ using/ controlling the account, in addition to and without prejudice to any other rights that PlayCKC may have under the law for the time being in force, PlayCKC reserves the right to suspend or terminate any or all of your accounts and terminate, withhold or revoke the awarding of any prizes.

You agree that the sole and specific purpose of creating an account on PlayCKC is to participate in online gaming and fantasy sports Contests on the Service or play the live predictions game. PlayCKC shall be entitled to suspend, limit or terminate your account if it determines, in its sole discretion, that you are depositing funds without the intention of using them in contests on the Service. In such circumstances, PlayCKC may also report such activity to relevant authorities under the law for the time being in force.

4.2 Account Access and Security

At the time of registration for online account access, you must provide a valid email address and/or mobile number, and supply a Username to be used in conjunction with your account. The login process for the account will also require a One-Time Password (OTP) generated by PlayCKC. You may request OTP generation as many times as required.

You shall not use a Username that promotes a commercial venture or a Username that PlayCKC in its sole discretion may deem offensive, immoral, obscene, racial, communal, objectionable, abusive, indecent or vulgar. You are responsible for maintaining control on access to your account, and are fully responsible for all uses of your Username, whether by you or others. You agree to (a) keep your Username and OTP confidential and not share this combination with anyone else; and (b) immediately notify PlayCKC of any unauthorized use of your Username and OTP or account or any other breach of security. PlayCKC cannot and will not be liable for any loss or damage arising from your failure to comply with this Section.

You acknowledge and agree that PlayCKC is authorized to act on instructions received through the use of your Username and OTP, and that PlayCKC may in its sole discretion deny access or block any transaction made through use of your Username and OTP without prior notice if we believe your Username and OTP are being used by someone other than you, or for any other reason.

PlayCKC may require you to change your Username or may unilaterally change your Username and intimate you of such change along with the reasons thereof.

4.3 Communications and Information Practices

As a result of your registration for the Service, you may receive communications from PlayCKC on your registered email and/ or mobile and/ or on the App and/ or on the Site. You understand and agree that these communications are part of your registration, and that, to the extent required by law, you may opt out of receiving these communications at any time by either using the ‘unsubscribe’ option that will be provided to you or by sending an email to connect@fanoz.global. Following such an opt-out, PlayCKC may still communicate with you via email to the extent permitted by the applicable laws and regulations for the time being in force.

4.4 Disqualification and Cancellation

PlayCKC also reserves the right to cancel contests, in its sole discretion, without any restrictions.PlayCKC, in its sole discretion, may disqualify you from a contest or from use of the entire Service, refuse to award fantasy points or prizes and require the return of any prizes, or may suspend/ limit/ terminate your account, should you engage in conduct deemed improper, unfair, fraudulent or otherwise adverse to the operation of the Service by PlayCKC, in its sole discretion, or if your conduct on the Service is in any way detrimental to other users. Improper conduct includes, but is not limited to: falsifying personal information (including payment information) required to use the Service or claim a prize; violating eligible payment method terms, including the terms of any cash rewards payment card, violating any of these rules, accumulating points or prizes through unauthorized methods such as unauthorized scripts or other automated means; tampering with the administration of the Service or trying to in any way tamper with the computer programs associated with the Service; obtaining other entrants’ information and spamming other gamers; abusing/ misusing/ defaming the Service in any way; or otherwise violating these Terms of Use. You acknowledge that the forfeiture and/or return of any prize shall in no way prevent PlayCKC from informing the relevant authorities, and/or pursuing criminal or civil proceedings in connection with such conduct to the fullest extent of the law for the time being in force.

If for any reason the Service is not running as originally planned (e.g., if the App/ Site becomes corrupted or does not allow the proper usage and processing of entries in accordance with the applicable rules, or if the App/ Site is infected by a computer virus, bugs, tampering, unauthorized intervention, actions by entrants, fraud, technical failures, or any other causes of any kind that in the sole opinion of PlayCKC corrupt or affect the administration, security, fairness, integrity or proper conduct of the Service), PlayCKC reserves the right, in its sole discretion, to disqualify any individual that is in any matter implicated in or related to the cause and/or to cancel, terminate, extend, modify or suspend the Service, and select the winner(s) from all eligible entries received. If such cancellation, termination, modification or suspension occurs, a notification may be posted on the Site to this effect, if PlayCKC deems it fit to do so.

The failure of PlayCKC to comply with any provision of these Terms due to an Act of God, hurricane, war, fire, riot, pandemic, earthquake, terrorism, act of public enemies, actions of governmental authorities outside of the control of PlayCKC (excepting compliance with applicable codes and regulations), network infrastructure failures, strikes, shortages of transportation facilities or other necessary material, or cancellation of any match to which a contest relates, or other force majeure event will not be considered a breach of these Terms.

4.5 Deposits and Withdrawals - General Conditions

By depositing funds or entering paid contests, you agree to provide PlayCKC with a valid mailing address, date of birth and/ or social security number (including Aadhar Number and/ or PAN card details) as the case may be, and any other information PlayCKC may require in order to run appropriate identity checks and comply with applicable rules and regulations. If necessary, you may be required to provide appropriate documentation that allows PlayCKC to make necessary verifications. While your account is pending verification, you may be able to deposit funds into your account and participate in contests, but you will not be able to withdraw any funds from your account until verification is complete. If we are unable to verify you, we reserve the right to suspend your account and withhold any funds until such time as we have been able to successfully verify you.

PlayCKC may further conduct checks for compliance of the Terms, including anti-fraud checks in playing patterns and deposits prior to processing a withdrawal, and may request additional information before permitting a withdrawal. Subject to such checks, you may close your account and withdraw your deposits and/or winnings at any time and for any reason whatsoever.

Deposits, and gamers’ winnings after contests are finished, are held in a separate, segregated bank account by PlayCKC. These funds belong to you, subject to review for evidence of fraud, verification or other prohibited conduct as described above, and PlayCKC may not use them to cover its operating expenses or for other purposes. Your withdrawals will be made from this segregated bank account.

PlayCKC may limit the amount a user can deposit into his or her account in accordance with state-imposed deposit limits.

In cases where you have participated in a promotion to receive a bonus or other benefit, you may be required to play through your deposit (by entering contests) whose total entry fees equal the value of the deposit to receive the entirety of such bonus.

4.6 Taxation

All prizes shall be subject to deduction of tax (“TDS”) as per the Income Tax Act 1961 and you will be required to provide the correct PAN number and other details to PlayCKC as may be requested from you. These details will be used by PlayCKC to comply with tax regulations and may be shared with appropriate tax authorities. You alone, and not PlayCKC, are responsible for filing and paying applicable state and federal taxes (over and above TDS) on any winnings, and PlayCKC is not in any manner responsible for the same. PlayCKC does not provide tax advice, nor should any statements in this agreement or on the Service be construed as tax advice.

4.7 Publicity

By entering a contest, you consent to PlayCKC’s and its service providers’ and business partners’ use of your name, voice, likeness, location and photograph in connection with the development, production, distribution and/ or usage (including marketing and promotion) of the selected contest and/or other PlayCKC contests and PlayCKC generally, unless otherwise prohibited by the law for the time being in force. PlayCKC and its business partners reserve the right to make public statements about the entrants and winner(s), on-air, on the Internet, or otherwise, prior to, during, or following the contest. Entrants agree that PlayCKC may announce any winner's name on-air or on any of its websites/ apps or any other location at any time in connection with the marketing and promotion of PlayCKC or other contests or games operated by PlayCKC. You agree that participation in and (where applicable) the winning of a prize in connection with a contest constitute complete compensation for your obligations under this paragraph, and you agree not to seek to charge a fee or impose other conditions on the fulfilment of these obligations. You acknowledge and agree that the applicable rules specific to certain contests may contain additional publicity obligations or may require a written signature on a separate publicity waiver.

5 Game Rules

5.1 Game of Skill - Legality

Games of skill are excluded from the ambit of Indian gambling legislations, as has been repeatedly acknowledged by Courts in India including the Supreme Court.

The Nagaland Prohibition of Gambling and Promotion and Regulation of Online Games of Skill Act, 2015 defines that “games of skill” would include “all such games where there is preponderance of skill over chance, including where the skill relates to strategizing the manner of placing wagers or placing bets or where the skill lies in team selection or selection of virtual stocks based on analyses or where the skill relates to the manner in which the moves are made, whether through deployment of physical or mental skill and acumen”.

Various high courts have deliberated on the legality of fantasy sports in India (the Punjab and Haryana High Court in Varun Gumber vs. Union Territory of Chandigarh and Ors, the Bombay High Court in Gurdeep Singh Sachar vs. Union of India, the Rajasthan High Court in Chandresh Sankhla vs. State of Rajasthan and Ravindra Singh Chaudhary vs. Union of India) and the position upheld by these courts is that fantasy sports gaming would certainly qualify as a Game of Skill. In particular, there is a considerable amount of skill involved in playing a fantasy sports game as one has to formulate teams based on one’s assessment and knowledge of the sport.

The Contest(s) described above (across the PlayCKC Services) are games of skill as success of Participants depends primarily on their superior knowledge of the games of cricket and/or other sports’ statistics, knowledge of players' relative form, players' performance in a particular territory, conditions and/or format (such as ODIs, test cricket and Twenty20 in the cricket fantasy game), attention and dedication towards the Contest(s) and competent in playing the Contest(s).

By participating in this Contest(s), each Participant acknowledges and agrees that he/she is participating in a game of skill.PlayCKC is a game of skill. Winners are determined by the criteria stated in each contest's rules. For each contest, winners are determined by the individuals who use their skill and knowledge of relevant professional sports information and fantasy sports rules to accumulate the most fantasy points. The success of participants is determined by the said knowledge of the relevant game and players, and their assessment and application of the same. Fantasy points are accumulated through the performance of individual athletes in sports events.

5.2 Contest(s) and Team(s)

  • As part of its services, PlayCKC may make available Contest(s) on the PlayCKC platform. Currently, on the PlayCKC App, Contests are made available for fantasy cricket games. Individual users wishing to participate in such Contests ("Gamers") are invited to create their own fantasy teams ("Team/s") consisting of real-life cricketers involved in the real-life cricket match, series or tournament (each a “Sport Event”) to which the fantasy game relates. PlayCKC offers its platform to Gamers for fantasy game Contest(s) being created relating to each Sport Event, and Gamers can participate in such Contest(s) with their Teams.
  • Depending upon the circumstances of each match, the participants can edit their teams till the official match start time as declared by the officials of the Sport Event. In cases where the official match time cannot be verified by PlayCKC through reliable and/or publicly available sources, PlayCKC reserves the right to adjust the deadline to such a time by which a maximum of 3 overs in the given match are bowled.
  • PlayCKC reserves the right to extend the deadline or abandon the contest/game based on the circumstances, such as in the event of a delayed toss, or interruption on account of weather, non-appearance of teams, technical/equipment glitches causing delays etc.
  • The Contest(s) across the PlayCKC Services shall, in addition to the Terms and Conditions, rules and regulations mentioned herein, be governed by “Fantasy Rules” available at
    How to Play.
  • Currently there are both free and paid versions of Contest(s) available on the PlayCKC App. The Contest entry fee includes a pre-determined Platform Service Fee (“PSF”) charged for accessing PlayCKC Services and the Gamer’s pre-determined contribution to the Contest prize money pool.
  • A Gamer may create different Teams for participation in Contest(s) in relation to a Sport Event across the PlayCKC Services. A Gamer can submit one or two Teams per Contest entry and in case of two Teams, the fantasy points scored by each Team is averaged out. However, unless PlayCKC specifies otherwise in relation to any Contest ("Multiple Entry Contest"), Gamers acknowledge and agree that they may create only one entry per Contest offered in relation to a Sport Event. In case of Multiple Entry Contest(s), a Participant may create multiple entries in a single Multiple Entry Contest. In addition, it is expressly clarified that PlayCKC may, from time to time, restrict the maximum number of Teams that may be created by a single User account (for each format of the contest) or which a single User account may enter in a particular Multiple Entry Contest, in each case to such number as determined by PlayCKC in its sole discretion.

5.3 Gaming currency and Virtual Wallet

PlayCKC has its own gaming virtual currency called ‘Gold Nanyas’, which is a digital representation of value, issued and controlled by PlayCKC and functions as a medium of exchange or store of value on the PlayCKC App. Gold Nanyas can be purchased online using actual money or granted as promotional award or awarded for winning contests. Gold Nanyas are used to enter paid contests and those Gold Nanyas that get awarded on winning a contest (Winning Nanyas) can be exchanged for actual money or redeemed for gift cards or discount coupons. These Gold Nanyas are stored in a virtual wallet called Gullak, which is merely used to store the Gold Nanyas on the PlayCKC App and as such is in no manner concerned with any of the monetary transactions that take place on PlayCKC.

5.4 Entry fees

All PlayCKC paid contests have an entry fee to be paid in Gold Nanyas. When you opt to participate in a contest, an amount equal to the entry fees in Gold Nanyas will be debited from your PlayCKC Gullak account. Then, you will be required to follow the links and instructions provided for entry. In the event of a dispute regarding the identity of the person submitting an entry, the entry will be deemed submitted by the person in whose Username the entry was submitted, or if possession of the Username itself is contested and in PlayCKC’s opinion sufficiently uncertain, the name in which the email address on file was registered with the email service provider. PlayCKC reserves the right not to award a prize to an individual it believes in its sole discretion did not submit the winning entry.

Once a contest entry fee is paid, the participation is confirmed and no cancellation is permissible. Also, contests lock when the match starts and no more entries or line-up changes may be made at that time.

5.5 Gullak sub-accounts and payment terms

In respect of any transactions entered into on the PlayCKC Platform, including making a payment to participate in the paid versions of Contest(s), Gamers agree to be bound by the following payment terms:

  • Any Gamer availing PlayCKC Services is provided with two primary categories of accounts for the processing and reconciliation of payments: (i) Recharge Account and (ii) Winnings Account. In addition to these, the Gold Nanyas issued to the Gamer(s) as part of ongoing promotional activity, are credited to the Promo Bonus Account. The sum of balance in Recharge Account and Promo Bonus Account is part of Entry Fee balance in Gullak. The sum of balance in Winnings Account and the referral bonus is part of Withdrawable balance in Gullak.
  • The processing of payments will happen in the following manner:
    • Gamer’s winnings in any Contest will reflect as Gold Nanya credits in the Winnings Account of the Gamer’s Gullak. This can be withdrawn by either redeeming for gift cards / discount coupons or exchanging for real money into the bank account.
    • Gamer’s remittance from their bank account / credit card / debit card / wallet etc. via the designated payment gateway, shall be credited to the Gamer’s Recharge Account.
    • Each time a Gamer participates in any contest on the PlayCKC platform, the pre-designated Gold Nanyas shall be debited from the Gamer’s Gullak account. In debiting Gold Nanyas from the Gamer’s accounts towards the pre-designated Contest entry fee, the Gold Nanyas shall first be debited from the Gamer’s Entry Fee balance in Gullak and thereafter, any remaining amount of Gold Nanyas (towards Contest entry fee) shall be debited from the Gamer’s withdrawable balance in Gullak.
  • A Gamer shall be permitted to withdraw any amounts (upon exchanging Gold Nanyas for real money) credited into such Gamer's Recharge Account for any reason whatsoever by contacting PlayCKC Customer Support (connect@fanoz.global). The minimum amount that can be withdrawn by a Gamer from his/ her Recharge Account is Rs. 200 (Rupees Two Hundred Only). All Gold Nanyas credited into a Gamer's Recharge Account must be utilised within 335 days of credit. In case any unutilised Gold Nanyas lie in the Recharge Account after the completion of 335 days from the date of credit of equivalent amount, PlayCKC reserves the right to forfeit such unutilised amount, without liability or obligation to pay any compensation to the Gamer.
  • Withdrawal of any amount (or exchanging Gold Nanyas into real money) standing to the Gamer's credit in the Winnings Account may be made by way of an online request to PlayCKC but shall occur automatically upon completion of 335 days from the date of credit of such amount in the Gamer's Winnings Account. In either case, PlayCKC shall affect an online transfer to the Gamer's bank account on record with PlayCKC within a commercially reasonable period of time. Such transfer will reflect as a debit of Gold Nanyas to the Gamer's Winnings Account. PlayCKC shall not charge any processing fee for the online transfer of such equivalent amount from the Winnings Account to the Gamer's bank account on record with PlayCKC.
  • Gamers are requested to note that they will be required to provide a valid PAN number, PAN card copy, bank account details, bank statement / passbook copy and any other document for proof of address, in order for PlayCKC to process the withdrawal request. The name mentioned on the Gamer's PAN card should correspond with the name provided by the Gamer at the time of registration on PlayCKC, as well as the name and address existing in the records of the Gamer's bank account as provided to PlayCKC. In the event that no bank account has been registered by the Gamer against such Gamer's account with PlayCKC, or the Gamer has not verified his/her User account with PlayCKC, to PlayCKC's satisfaction and in accordance with these Terms and Conditions, PlayCKC shall provide such Gamer with a notification to the Gamer's email address as on record with PlayCKC at least 30 days prior to the Auto Transfer Date, and in case the Gamer fails to register a bank account with his/her User Account and/or to verify his/her User Account by the Auto Transfer Date, PlayCKC shall be entitled to forfeit any amounts subject to transfer on the Auto Transfer Date. Failure to provide PlayCKC with a valid bank account or valid identification documents (to PlayCKC's satisfaction) may result in the forfeiture of any amounts subject to transfer in accordance with this clause.
  • The payment of pre-designated amount Gamers make to participate in the Contest(s) is inclusive of the pre-designated platform fee for access to the PlayCKC Services charged by PlayCKC and pre-determined participant's contribution towards prize money pool.
  • Subject to these Terms of Use, all amounts collected from the Gamer are held in a separate non-interest earning bank account. From these bank accounts, the payouts can be made to (a) Gamers (towards their withdrawals), (b) PlayCKC (towards its Platform Fees as well as compensation for redemption of gift cards) and to (c) the Government (towards TDS on Winnings Amount).
  • PlayCKC reserves the right to charge a Platform Fee, which would be specified and notified by PlayCKC on the Contest page, being created on PlayCKC platform, prior to a Gamer's joining of such Contest. The Platform Fee (inclusive of applicable tax thereon) will be debited from the User's account balance and PlayCKC shall issue an invoice for such debit to the User.
  • The Gamer may participate in a Contest wherein the Gamer has to contribute a pre-specified amount towards the Prize Money Pool of such Contest, which will be passed on to the Winner(s) of the Contest after the completion of the Contest as per the terms and conditions of such Contest. It is clarified that PlayCKC has no right or interest in this Prize Money Pool, and only acts as an intermediary engaged in collecting and distributing the Prize Money Pool in accordance with the Contest terms and conditions. The amount to be paid-in by the Gamer towards the Prize Money Pool would also be debited from the Gamer's account balance maintained in Gullak.
  • Gamers agree that once they confirm a transaction on PlayCKC, they shall be bound to make payment for that transaction. You agree and acknowledge that a transaction on the Platform, once confirmed, is final and no cancellation is permissible. PlayCKC may, in certain exceptional circumstances and at its sole and absolute discretion, refund the amount to the Gamer after deducting applicable cancellation charges and taxes.

5.6 Contest term

PlayCKC offers contests for professional cricket events generally taking place on a single day (T20s and one-day matches) or at most five days (Test matches, other first class matches).

5.7 Tabulation of fantasy points

PlayCKC may obtain the score feed and other information required for the computation and tabulation of fantasy points from third party service provider(s) and/or official website of the match organiser. In the rare event that any error in the computation or tabulation of fantasy points, selection of winners, abandonment of a match etc., as a result of inaccuracies in or incompleteness of the feed provided by the third-party service provider and/or official website of the match organiser comes to its attention, PlayCKC shall use best efforts to rectify such error prior to the distribution of prizes. However, PlayCKC hereby clarifies that it relies on the accuracy and completeness of such third party score/statistic feeds and does not itself warrant or make any representations concerning the accuracy thereof and, in any event, shall take no responsibility for inaccuracies in computation and tabulation of fantasy points or the selection of winners as a result of any inaccurate or incomplete scores/statistics received from such third party service provider. Gamers agree not to make any claim or raise any complaint against PlayCKC in this respect.

5.8 Selection of winners

Winners will be decided on the basis of the scores of the Teams in a designated match (which may last anywhere between one day and an entire tournament) of the Contest(s). The Gamer(s) owning the Team(s) with the highest aggregate score in a particular match shall be declared the Winner(s). In certain pre-specified Contests, PlayCKC may declare more than one Winner and distribute prizes to such Winners in increasing order of their Team's aggregate score at the end of the designated match of the Contest. The contemplated number of Winners and the prize due to each Winner in such Contest shall be as specified on the Contest page prior to the commencement of the Contest. The points system determining the Team scores can be found here.

Gamers creating Teams on behalf of any other Participant or person shall be disqualified.

In the event of a tie, the winning Gamers shall be declared Winners and the prize shall be equally divided among such Gamers.

PlayCKC shall not be liable to pay any prize if it is discovered that the Winner(s) have not abided by these Terms and Conditions, and other rules and regulations in relation to the use of the PlayCKC App, Contest, "Fantasy Rules", etc.

5.9 Prizes

After each contest ends, the tentative winners are announced (generally by the following day) after a final verification. The players in each contest who accumulate the most fantasy points and comply with eligibility requirements and applicable rules will win prizes as set out in the posted contest details. Prizes in the form of Gold Nanyas (Winning Nanyas) are added to the winning player's Gullak account balance. In the event of a tie, the prize is divided evenly between the tied players, unless otherwise specified. You agree that PlayCKC may at its sole discretion announce results or prizes even after a day if the circumstances so warrant.

PlayCKC offers a number of different types of contests. For each contest, we announce the entry fees and prizes in advance on the contest page. For a summary of entry fees and prizes for currently open contests you may please login and visit the main lobby.

Prize calculations are based on the results as of the time when final scoring is tabulated by PlayCKC. Once winners are finally announced by PlayCKC, the scoring results will not be changed in light of official adjustments made by the professional leagues, though we reserve the right to make adjustments based on errors or irregularities in the transmission of information to us from our stats provider or in our calculation of results. We also may make adjustments in the event of noncompliance with the Terms. You agree that PlayCKC has no obligation to delay the awarding of a prize in anticipation of any adjustment, and we reserve the right to reverse payments in the event of any adjustment. You agree to cooperate with PlayCKC’sefforts to reverse payments.

In the event that the awarding of any prizes to winners of the Contest is challenged by any legal authority, PlayCKC reserves the right to determine whether or not to award or adjust such prizes, in its sole discretion. You agree that in all disputes arising out of the determination of the winner of PlayCKC contests, PlayCKC is the sole judge and its actions are final and binding.

5.10 Verification and Taxation

Only those Winners who successfully complete the verification process and provide the required documents within the time limit specified by PlayCKC shall be permitted to withdraw/receive their accumulated winnings (or any part thereof). PlayCKC shall not entertain any claims or requests for extension of time for submission of documents.

PlayCKC shall scrutinize all documents submitted and may, at its sole and absolute discretion, disqualify any Winner from withdrawing his/her accumulated winnings (or any part thereof) if it is determined by PlayCKC that any document or information submitted by the Gamer is incorrect, misleading, false, fabricated, incomplete or illegible; or if the Gamer does not fulfill the Eligibility Criteria specified in Section 3 above.

All prizes shall be subject to TDS as per the Income Tax Act 1961. The TDS rate prescribed by the Government of India with respect to any prize money amount that is in excess of Rs. 10,000/- is 30% as per the law for the time being in force. TDS of 30% shall be deducted on Net Winnings (prize money amount - contest entry fee - promo bonus). In case of any revisions by the Government of India to the aforementioned rate in the future, TDS will be deducted by PlayCKC in accordance with the prescribed TDS rate at the time. Winners will be provided TDS certificates in respect of such tax deductions. The Winners shall be responsible for payment of any other applicable taxes, including but not limited to, income tax, gift tax, etc. in respect of the prize money.

5.11 Notification

The names of Winners are generally posted on the App after the conclusion of each contest and latest by 10 AM IST on the following day. Separately, Winners will also receive notifications on their App in this regard. Winners may be requested to return via email or regular mail an affidavit of eligibility, a publicity agreement and appropriate tax forms by a specified deadline. Failure to comply with this requirement can result in disqualification. Any prize notification returned as undeliverable may result in disqualification and selection of an alternate winner. In addition, a list of winners and winner's names for each competition period may be obtained by writing to connect@fanoz.global. You agree that PlayCKC may at its sole discretion announce results or prizes even after the next day if the circumstances so warrant.

5.12 Promotions and Promo Bonus

In order to conduct promotional activities, PlayCKC may issue promotional Gold Nanyas (Promo Bonus) to the gamers for the purpose of participation in any Contest(s) and no User shall be permitted to transfer or request the transfer of any amount into the Promo Bonus.

The usage of any Promo Bonus issued shall be subject to the limitations and restrictions, including without limitation, restrictions as to time within which such Promo Bonus must be used, as applied by PlayCKC and notified to the user at the time of issue of such amount. The issue of any Promo Bonus to the user is subject to the sole discretion of PlayCKC and cannot be demanded by any User as a matter of right. The issue of any Promo Bonus by PlayCKC on any day shall not entitle the user to demand the issuance of such Promo Bonus at any subsequent period in time nor create an expectation of recurring issue of such Promo Bonus by PlayCKC to such user. The Promo Bonus granted to the user may be used by such user for the purpose of setting it off against the contribution to prize pool in any Contest, in accordance with these Terms and Conditions. The Promo Bonus shall not be withdrawable or transferrable to any other account of the user, including the bank account of such user, or of any other user or person. In case the user terminates his/her account with PlayCKC or such account if terminated by PlayCKC, all Promo Bonus granted to the user shall return to PlayCKC and the user shall not have any right or interest on such points. PlayCKC also reserves the right to reclaim any Promo Bonus if lying unutilized in a gamer’s account for more than a stipulated timeframe.

5.13 Referrals and Referral Bonus

The PlayCKC “Refer Friends and Family” Program lets you invite your friends and loved ones to join PlayCKC (“Program”). In the event that you and your referred friend meet the criteria and complete all the steps specified in these terms, you and your friend can earn a Referral Bonus from PlayCKC. This Referral Bonus is part of Withdrawable balance of Gullak and can be used to pay entry fee for the Contest(s) on PlayCKC App or can be withdrawn by either redeeming for gift cards / discount coupons or exchanging for real money into the bank account. "). To participate in the Program, please note our terms and conditions ("Program Terms") in this respect, as they govern your participation in the Program:

  • Eligibility - All users who: (i) have an account registered with PlayCKC Platform which account has been verified by PlayCKC; and (ii) are eligible to participate in the pay-to play PlayCKC fantasy cricket (as per the PlayCKC's terms and conditions); and (iii) have downloaded and installed the PlayCKC App on their respective mobile devices, will be eligible to participate in the Program. Participation in the Program by proxy is not permitted.
  • Participation in the Program is voluntary. A user shall not register or operate more than one user account with PlayCKC and shall not participate in the Program with more than one user account with PlayCKC.
  • For the purpose of participation in the Program, you are required to have the PlayCKC App downloaded and installed on your mobile device. Through the PlayCKC App, you will be provided with a unique link or code, which can be shared by you ("Referrer") with friends (each an "Referee") for the purpose of inviting such friends to create and register an account with PlayCKC and download the PlayCKC App. On receiving the link or code from the Referrer, the Referee may either: (i) Click on the link, consequent to which such Referee will be directed to a registration page and will be provided the option to register an account with PlayCKC and download and install the PlayCKC App on his/her device; or (ii) download and install the PlayCKC App on his/her device independently, register for a PlayCKC account through the PlayCKC App and enter the unique code shared by the Referrer where prompted in the PlayCKC App.
  • On successful registration and mobile number verification of the Referee, the Referrer is eligible to receive Referral Bonus while the Referee is eligible to receive Promo Bonus. The successful registration is subject to: (i) the Referee not being an existing user of PlayCKC; and (ii) the Referrer and Referee being eligible to participate in the pay-to play PlayCKC fantasy cricket; and (iii) the Referee successfully registering for an account with PlayCKC through the unique link or by using the unique code shared by the Referrer.
  • 5.14 Statistics Providers

    PlayCKC utilizes third-party service providers to obtain the score feed and other information required for the computation and tabulation of fantasy points. In the rare event of any error in the computation or tabulation of fantasy points, selection of winners, abandonment of a match etc., as a result ofinaccuracies in or incompleteness of the feed provided by the third-party service provider comes to its attention, PlayCKC shall use best efforts to rectify such error prior to the distribution of prizes.

6 Socially responsible gaming

At PlayCKC, we are building an experience for all sports fans, keeping the games close to fans' real-world behaviour. In doing so, we remain committed to keeping our games socially responsible. The app offers two games: PREDICT and SELECT.

Free gaming

  • The game, PREDICT, is a free-to-play game.
  • It does not offer real-money gaming or gambling.
  • The game is played with our in-app currency, silver nanyas. The gamer cannot buy or encash silver nanyas.
  • The gamer can use their winnings (in nanyas) to either play more or redeem reward options such as gift cards and vouchers.
  • There are in-app purchases such as gate passes for redemption stores.

Real-money gaming

  • The game, SELECT, offers both free-to-play and real-money gaming versions.
  • A gamer can enter free contests and still win real rewards by using their winnings to redeem reward options or encash into real money.
  • The paid contests start at as little as ₹2, and go up to a maximum of ₹100. In any contest, we have ensured that a gamer is not allowed more than one entry, thus discouraging them to spend higher amounts. One cannot spend more than ₹100 in a single contest.
  • To enter the paid contests, the gamer is required to buy gold nanyas (Gold Nanya = ₹1).
  • The gamer can use their winnings (in nanyas) to either play more, redeem reward options such as gift cards and vouchers or convert gold nanyas into cash (with a transfer in their bank account).
  • There are in-app purchases such as gate passes for redemption stores.

Responsible spending

We offer real rewards for even our free-to-play formats (in both PREDICT and SELECT formats) to make sure gamers can play without having the need to spend any money.

Responsible time investment

The PREDICT game serves live prediction questions at certain intervals (via play zones) during a live match. The gamer is not required to participate for more than a couple of minutes at a time for a match.

The SELECT game requires the gamer to select just six players without being limited by any constraints. The gamer, thus, is not required to spend too much time in making their entry for a contest.

Recognizing addiction and seeking help

We understand that online gaming can become addictive for some gamers and can affect their everyday life.
As a socially responsible platform, we encourage you to take a self-assessment to understand if you are getting addicted to online gaming. You may do so with Game Prudence here: https://www.gameprudence.com/self-assess.html
You can get help at Game Prudence. You may request for a call back here: https://www.gameprudence.com/call-back.html
Game Prudence is an independent body which aims to help players, playing on skill-gaming websites, in incorporating responsible gaming habits into their lifestyles. Game Prudence is a non-judgmental platform providing you with private, confidential and free of cost psychological counselling, wherein you can identify how healthy your gaming habits are as well as receive professional guidance from experts. All Game Prudence experts are certified by iGaming Academy.

7 Conduct

As a condition of use, you promise not to use the Services for any purpose that is unlawful or prohibited by these Terms of Use, or any other purpose not reasonably intended by PlayCKC. By way of example, and not as a limitation, you agree not to:

  • abuse, harass, impersonate, intimidate or threaten other PlayCKC users;
  • post or transmit, or cause to be posted or transmitted, any Content that are infringing, libelous, defamatory, abusive, offensive, obscene, pornographic or otherwise violates any law or right of any third-party;
  • use the Service for any unauthorized purpose, or in violation of any applicable law, including intellectual property laws;
  • post or transmit, or cause to be posted or transmitted, any communication or solicitation designed or intended to obtain password, account, or private information from any PlayCKC user;
  • create or submit unwanted email ("Spam") to any other PlayCKC users;
  • infringe upon the intellectual property rights of PlayCKC, its users, or any third party;
  • submit comments linking to affiliate programs, multi-level marketing schemes, sites repurposing existing stories or off-topic content;
  • post, email, transmit, upload, or otherwise make available any material that contains software viruses or any other computer code, files or programs designed or functioning to interrupt, destroy, or limit the functionality of any computer software or hardware or telecommunications equipment;
  • use any robot, spider, scraper, sniping software or other automated means to access the Service for any purpose without our express written permission. Additionally, you agree that you will not: (1) take any action that imposes, or may impose in our sole discretion an unreasonable or disproportionately large load on our infrastructure; (2) interfere or attempt to interfere with the proper working of the Service or any activities conducted on the Service; or (3) bypass any measures we may use to prevent or restrict access to the Service;
  • use artificial means, including creating multiple user accounts, to inflate your position and standing with the PlayCKC leader boards and community;
  • use unauthorized scripts; all authorized scripts will be made available through the Service prior to game entry;
  • advertise to, or solicit, any user to buy or sell any products or Service, or use any information obtained from the Service in order to contact, advertise to, solicit, or sell to users without their prior explicit consent;
  • sell or otherwise transfer your profile;
  • attempt to influence the play in any sporting event from which athletes are available for selection in PlayCKC contests on PlayCKC App in which you are involved or in which you have a direct or indirect interest.

Without prejudice to PlayCKC’s right to take action under the law for the time being in force,violation of PlayCKC’s rules/ Terms of Use including those listed hereinabove, may result in the removal of your Content from the Service, forfeiture of winnings, and/or the cancelling of your account. You acknowledge and agree that PlayCKC may remove any User Content (as defined below) and terminate any PlayCKC account at any time for any reason (including, but not limited to, upon receipt of claims or allegations from third parties or authorities relating to such User Content). To report Terms of Use violations, please contact us.

7.1 User Content

You understand that all Content made available on the Service by a user (“User Content”), including but not limited to profile information and communications with other users, whether privately transmitted or made publicly available, is the sole responsibility of the person from which such User Content originated. This means that you, not PlayCKC, are entirely responsible for all User Content that you upload, post, share, email, transmit, or otherwise make available via the Service. Under no circumstances will PlayCKC be liable in any way for any User Content.

You acknowledge that PlayCKC may or may not pre-screen User Content, but that PlayCKC and its designees have the right (but not the obligation) in their sole discretion to pre-screen, refuse, permanently delete, undelete, modify and/or move any User Content available via the Service. Without limiting the foregoing, PlayCKC and its designees shall have the right to remove any User Content that violates these Terms or is otherwise objectionable in PlayCKC's sole discretion. You understand that by using the Service, you may be exposed to User Content that you may consider to be offensive or objectionable. You agree that you must evaluate, and bear all risks associated with, the use or disclosure of any User Content. You further acknowledge and agree that you bear the sole risk of reliance on any Content available on or through the Service.

With respect to User Content you submit or otherwise make available on or to the Service, you grant PlayCKC an irrevocable, fully sub-licensable, perpetual, world-wide, royalty-free, non-exclusive license to use, distribute, reproduce, modify, adapt, publish, translate, publicly perform and publicly display such User Content (in whole or in part), and to incorporate such User Content into other works, in any format or medium now known or later developed.

You are solely responsible for your interactions with other users of the Service. PlayCKC reserves the right, but has no obligation whatsoever, to monitor disputes between you and other users.

8 Indemnity

You agree to release and to indemnify, defend and hold harmless PlayCKC and its parents, subsidiaries, affiliates and agencies, as well as the officers, directors, employees, shareholders and representatives of any of the foregoing entities, from and against any and all losses, liabilities, expenses, damages, costs (including attorneys’ fees and court costs) claims or actions of any kind whatsoever arising or resulting from your use of the Service, your violation of these Terms of Use, your receipt, ownership, use or misuse of any prize, and any of your acts or omissions that implicate publicity rights, defamation or invasion of privacy. You shall indemnify, defend, and hold PlayCKC and its parents, subsidiaries, affiliates and agencies, officers, directors, employees, shareholders and representatives harmless from any third party/ entity/ organization claims arising from or related to your engagement with PlayCKC or participation in any contest. PlayCKC reserves the right, at its own expense, to assume exclusive defense and control of any matter otherwise subject to indemnification by you and, in such case, you agree to cooperate with PlayCKC in the defense of such matter. Such indemnity from your end shall be for any/ loss damage whatsoever including and without limitation to costs for attorneys, legal charges, litigation expenses, etc. You agree to indemnify PlayCKC from any costs, damages, losses including litigation costs and lawyer fees, in respect of any third party claims that may be initiated, including for infringement of intellectual property rights, arising out of display or use of logos, names, marks, trademarks, copyrights, or other such rights on PlayCKC, by you or through your acts/ omissions.

9 Warranty disclaimers

You expressly understand and agree that your use of the Service is at your sole risk. The Service (including the Service and the Content) are provided on an "AS IS" and "as available" basis, without warranties of any kind, either express or implied, including, without limitation, implied warranties of merchantability, fitness for a particular purpose or non-infringement. You acknowledge that PlayCKC has no control over, and no duty to take any action regarding: which users gain access to or use the Service; what effect the Content may have on you; how you may interpret or use the Content; or what actions you may take as a result of having been exposed to the Content. You release PlayCKC from all liability for you having acquired or not acquired Content through the Service. The Service may contain, or direct you to other websites containing information that some people may find offensive or inappropriate. You understand and agree that PlayCKC makes no representations concerning any Content contained in or accessed through the Service, and PlayCKC will not be responsible or liable for the accuracy, copyright compliance, legality or decency of material contained in or accessed through the Service.

10 Limitation of liability

  • You shall access the PlayCKC App provided on PlayCKC voluntarily and at your own risk. PlayCKC shall, under no circumstances be held responsible or liable on account of any loss or damage sustained (including but not limited to any accident, injury, death, loss of property) by you or any other person or entity during the course of access to the PlayCKC Services (including participation in the Contest(s)) or as a result of acceptance of any prize.
  • PlayCKC accepts no liability, whether jointly or severally, for any errors or omissions, whether on behalf of itself or third parties in relation to the prizes.
  • You shall be solely responsible for any consequences which may arise due to your access of PlayCKC Services by conducting an illegal act or due to non-conformity with these Terms and Conditions and other rules and regulations in relation to PlayCKC Services, including provision of incorrect address or other personal details.
  • In consideration of PlayCKC allowing users to access the PlayCKC Services, to the maximum extent permitted by law, the Users waive and release each and every right or claim, all actions, causes of actions (present or future) each of them has or may have against PlayCKC, its respective agents, directors, officers, business associates, group companies, sponsors, employees, or representatives for all and any injuries, accidents, or mishaps (whether known or unknown) or (whether anticipated or unanticipated) arising out of the provision of PlayCKC Services or related to the Contests or the prizes of the Contests.
  • To the extent permitted under law, PlayCKC shall not be responsible for any harm resulting from downloading or accessing any information or material, the quality of servers, games, products, PlayCKC services or sites, cancellation of competition and prizes. If you pay for access to one of PlayCKC’s Services you will not be entitled to a refund as a result of, any inaccessibility that is caused by PlayCKC’s maintenance on the servers or the technology that underlies PlayCKC’s sites, failures of PlayCKC’s service providers (including telecommunications, hosting, and power providers), computer viruses, natural disasters or other destruction or damage of PlayCKC’s facilities, acts of nature, war, civil disturbance, or any other cause beyond PlayCKC’s reasonable control.

11 Our proprietary rights

All title, ownership and intellectual property rights in and to the Service (including all content created by PlayCKC, its partners, affiliates, and/ or users) are owned by PlayCKC or its licensors. Material published on PlayCKC, including but not limited to games, contests, software, advertisements, written content, photographs, graphics, images, illustrations, marks, logos, audio or video clipping and flash animation, is owned by PlayCKC or its licensors. Users may not modify, publish or participate in the transfer of, or reproduce/ distribute/ publicly display or in any manner exploit any material published on PlayCKC without the express consent and license of PlayCKC. You acknowledge and agree that the Service contains proprietary and confidential information that is protected by applicable intellectual property and other laws. Except as expressly authorized by PlayCKC, you agree not to copy, modify, rent, lease, loan, sell, distribute, perform, display or create derivative works based on the Service, in whole or in part.

12 Links

The Service provides, or third parties may provide, links to other internet sites, applications or resources. Because PlayCKC has no control over such sites, applications and resources, you acknowledge and agree that PlayCKC is not responsible for the availability of such external sites, applications or resources, and does not endorse and is not responsible or liable for any content, advertising, products or other materials on or available from such sites or resources. You further acknowledge and agree that PlayCKC shall not be responsible or liable, directly or indirectly, for any damage or loss caused or alleged to be caused by or in connection with use of or reliance on any such content, goods or services available on or through any such site or resource.

13 Termination and suspension

PlayCKC may terminate or suspend all or part of the Service and your PlayCKC account immediately, without prior notice or liability, if you breach any of the terms or conditions of the Terms. Upon termination of your account, your right to use the Service will immediately cease. If you wish to terminate your PlayCKC account, you may contact PlayCKC via the contact form with a note to say that you wish to terminate your account.

The following provisions of the Terms survive any termination of these Terms:

  • Conditions of Participation, save and except Registration and Account Access and Security;
  • Provisions of Bonuses and Promotions as under Game Rules;
  • User Content provision as under Conduct;
  • Indemnity;
  • Warranty Disclaimers;
  • Limitation on liability;
  • PlayCKC’s Proprietary Rights; Links;
  • No third party beneficiaries;
  • Binding nature of the dispute resolution provisions and waiver of class action suits; General Information;

If your account is subject to a suspension, you must respect the restrictions and limitations imposed on your account as part of the suspension, and you should communicate with PlayCKC regarding restoration of your account only via connect@fanoz.global.

14 No third-party beneficiaries

You agree that, except as otherwise expressly provided in these Terms, there shall be no third party beneficiaries to the Terms.

15 Dispute and Dispute Resolution

  • The courts of competent jurisdiction at Mumbai shall have exclusive jurisdiction to determine any and all disputes arising out of, or in connection with, the PlayCKC Services provided by PlayCKC (including the Contest(s)), the construction, validity, interpretation and enforceability of these Terms and Conditions, or the rights and obligations of the User(s) (including Participants) or PlayCKC, as well as the exclusive jurisdiction to grant interim or preliminary relief in case of any dispute referred to arbitration as given below. All such issues and questions shall be governed and construed in accordance with the laws of the Republic of India.
  • In the event of any legal dispute (which may be a legal issue or question) which may arise, the party raising the dispute shall provide a written notification ("Notification") to the other party. On receipt of Notification, the parties shall first try to amicably resolve the dispute through discussions. In the event that the parties are unable to resolve the dispute within fifteen (15) days of receipt of Notification, the dispute shall be settled by arbitration.The seat of arbitration shall be Mumbai, India. All arbitration proceedings shall be conducted in English and in accordance with the provisions of the Arbitration and Conciliation Act, 1996 , as amended from time to time.
  • The arbitration shall be conducted by a sole arbitrator, to be mutually appointed by both Parties, within thirty days of receipt of a notice from either party to appoint such arbitrator.
  • The arbitration award will be final and binding on the Parties, and each Party will bear its own costs of arbitration and equally share the fees of the arbitrator unless the arbitral tribunal decides otherwise. The arbitrator shall be entitled to pass interim orders and awards, including the orders for specific performance and such orders would be enforceable in competent courts. The arbitrator shall give a reasoned award.
  • Nothing contained in these Terms and Conditions shall prevent PlayCKC from seeking and obtaining interim or permanent equitable or injunctive relief, or any other relief available to safeguard PlayCKC's interest prior to, during or following the filing of arbitration proceedings or pending the execution of a decision or award in connection with any arbitration proceedings from any court having jurisdiction to grant the same. The pursuit of equitable or injunctive relief shall not constitute a waiver on the part of PlayCKC to pursue any remedy for monetary damages through the arbitration described herein.

16 Miscellaneous

  • PlayCKC may be required under certain legislations, to notify User(s) of certain events. User(s) hereby acknowledge and consent that such notices will be effective upon PlayCKC posting them on the PlayCKC App or delivering them to the User through the email address provided by the User at the time of registration. User(s) may update their email address by logging into their account on the PlayCKC App. If they do not provide PlayCKC with accurate information, PlayCKC cannot be held liable for failure to notify the User.
  • PlayCKC shall not be liable for any delay or failure to perform resulting from causes outside its reasonable control, including but not limited to any failure to perform due to unforeseen circumstances or cause beyond PlayCKC's control such as acts of God, war, terrorism, riots, pandemics, embargoes, acts of civil or military authorities, fire, floods, accidents, network infrastructure failures, strikes, or shortages of transportation facilities, fuel, energy, labor or materials or any cancellation of any cricket/ other match to which a Contest relates. In such circumstances, PlayCKC shall also be entitled to cancel any related Contest(s) and to process an appropriate refund for all Participants.
  • PlayCKC's failure to exercise or enforce any right or provision of these Terms and Conditions shall not constitute a waiver of such right or provision.
  • Users agree that regardless of any statute or law to the contrary, any claim or cause of action arising out of or related to use of the PlayCKC or these Terms must be filed within thirty (30) days of such claim or cause of action arising or be forever barred.
  • These Terms and Conditions, including all terms, conditions, and policies that are incorporated herein by reference, constitute the entire agreement between the User(s) and Playckc Interactive Private Limited and govern your use of the PlayCKC App, superseding any prior agreements that any User may have with PlayCKC Interactive Private Limited.
  • If any part of these Terms and Conditions is determined to be indefinite, invalid, or otherwise unenforceable, the rest of these Terms and Conditions shall continue in full force.
  • PlayCKC reserves the right to moderate, restrict or ban the use of the PlayCKC, specifically to any User, or generally, in accordance with PlayCKC’s policy/policies from time to time, at its sole and absolute discretion and without any notice.
  • PlayCKC may, at its sole and absolute discretion, permanently close or temporarily suspend any PlayCKC Services (including any Contest(s)).
  • PlayCKC may from time to time conduct/organize, promotions/offers on the platform. Any two or more promotions cannot be clubbed together with any other promotions that are running simultaneously on the PlayCKC platform. Also, promotions/offers cannot be clubbed with Cash Bonus available with any user.


In order to resolve a complaint regarding the Site/Apps or to receive further information regarding use of the Site/Apps, please contact us at:

PlayCKC Interactive Pvt. Ltd.
Nahar Amrit Shakti, Chandiwali
Mumbai, Maharashtra 400072
Phone: 9653269492